Description of Children-friendly City Competition:
Those who are interested in participation (Architects, perspective architects, urban designers, urban developers, industrial designers and other related fields) are invited to send their works to the secretariat of the symposium until April 09, 2021.
It is worth mentioning that the sent files should have good quality to be reviewed in detail.
Participants shall definitely mention their specifications including name and surname, field of study and program (graduate or student status), contact number (landline and cellphone) and their email.
To get familiar with the symposium and obtain information about the subjects of their works, you are requested to refer to the conference topics in the website.
The symposium of Kids’ utopia welcomes all those who are interested and all the universities of Iran to participate. If a suitable bed is provided in terms of corona pandemic control, an exhibition of the sent works will be held, which will be announced subsequently.
The children-friendly city competition will be held in the following two branches:
In this section, the jury of the competition, will review the sent theses of the applicants in order to select and introduce three distinguished theses (in all educational programs) in the field of city and children-friendly space-in form of topics of the conference.
The files shall be sent in format of word and pdf to be compatible for insertion of their specifications and their introduction in the pamphlet of the symposium.
Public or specialists of the related field or other citizens may send their pictures about problems of urban spaces which are related to the subject of the symposium to the conference email in two formats of Jpeg and pdf and at least in A4 size. Be advised that each picture shall show one important present challenge and also shall include a title. This title shall be the name of the sent file.
Executive organization of the symposium:
The jury: (in alphabetical order)
The event schedule: