Educated Professors, Respectful Researchers and Dear Students:
Growth of children, transmission of culture and lapsing leisure time and meeting the requirement of playing and recreation of children and supplying transportation safety, are three crucial fields of connection of cities and children. Children have obvious difference with other citizens because of their age, physical and psychological conditions and they have their specific needs and that is why they compose the most sensitive and impressive age group of a society and during their most important years of living i.e. when their personality-mental-physical and social growth foundations are formed until they join a society, they need to experience social life within their scale and this task requires a childish and sincere space. Contrary to the global attention to children issues and useful international movements, the specific issues of children have been less noticed in a city in our country, Iran, and children face numerous problems including non-observance of their primary rights, lack of safety and security, all types of environmental pollutions, lack of facilities and sufficient space for having activities.
Hence the first international symposium of Kids’ Utopia is held with cooperation and partnership of Iran University of Science and Technology, Salamat Iran Social Responsibility Institute and other official institutions; Presence of grand professors of valid universities of Iran and the world and scientific research institutions, will be a suitable chance for exchange of information and presentation of modern research findings and gathering experts, thinkers, university professors and students, policy makers and directors, concerned organizations, consulting engineers, specialists and those who are interested in urban space topics for children. Holding this symposium provides the possibility of exchange of thoughts and creation of scientific connection with universities and specialized centers of Iran and the world in the field of common concepts of science, engineering and other subjects related to the symposium dimensions, based on which the secretariat of the symposium of Kids’ Utopia hereby invites all specialists, experts, students, researchers and scientists of scientific, research and industrial centers to attend this important international event through participation in various programs of this conference and pave the way to fulfill the above mentioned goals with their latest scientific and executive achievements.